SCHOOL SUBSCRIPTION - Auslan Grammar - Introduction to Depicting Signs
Includes both North and South Dialect
The School Subscripton covers:
- Inital one-time purchase of the Auslan
Grammar - Introduction to Depicting Signs package
- Online Access to Interactive Auslan videos in
Online School Access to many Auslan videos: - Depicting Signs Introduction Videos
- Depicting Signs Practice Sentences
- Depicting Signs Quiz Games
The Auslan Grammar - Introduction to Depicting Signs e-book covers:
- Information on all depicting signs categories:
ENTITY HANDSHAPES (whole entity, body part, collective and extent)
HANDLING HANDSHAPES (holding, touch and instrumental)
SIZE AND SHAPE SPECIFIERS (surface, depth + width and perimeter)
- Auslan
Illustrations on all depicting signs
- Cut and Paste Worksheets (for early year levels)
- Label the Signs Worksheets (for middle year levels and up)
- Practice Sentences Worksheets (for middle year levels and up)
Click below to view a few sample pages:
TERMS OF USE (click here)
The Auslan Grammar - Introduction to Depicting Signs e-book (PDF) is copyright for school use only.
- The individual/teacher may print the e-book PDF as many times for classroom use.
- It is not permitted to distribute the e-book
to other individuals or teachers outside of the school, please direct them to this website for
School Subscription is for Private Access Only:
It is not permitted to display the videos on any external platforms, e.g. Zoom, Facebook, Google classroom, etc.
It is not permitted to copy or distribute videos via email, upload, download or any other method.