Auslan Picture Dictionary Package

is now available in the

The Auslan Picture Dictionary Package covers:

- Five Auslan Picture Dictionary related e-books:

1. Auslan Picture Dictionary e-book
2. Auslan Picture Dictionary Mix and Match e-book
3. Auslan Picture Dictionary Label the Signs e-book
4. LOTE Auslan Activity Book A
5. LOTE Auslan Activity Book B


- Auslan Picture Dictionary videos in Web Pages in your school's website portal

Includes both
North and South Dialect

1. The Auslan Picture Dictionary e-book (PDF)
The Auslan Picture Dictionary is a 107 page PDF and has over 1,000 signs and pictures combined. Each signs are labelled and has a matching picture.

There are 25 topics to choose from:
Alphabet, Action, Animals, Body, Calendar, Clothes, Colour, Community, Country, Family, Feelings, Food, Greetings, House, Money, Nature, Numbers, Occupation, People, Placing, Questions, Sport, Time, Transport and Weather.

- select a topic, photocopy the signed pages onto an A3 sized paper, display them on the wall and show students how to sign them.

- once the students are familiar with the signs, and are signing them correctly, they are then ready to play activity games
 (There are suggested activity ideas in the e-book)

- work on activity sheets from both LOTE Auslan Activity Book A and LOTE Auslan Activity Book B 

Includes both
North and South Dialect

2. The Auslan Picture Dictionary Mix n Match Cards e-book (PDF)
The Auslan Picture Dictionary Mix n Match Cards e-book includes
all the signs and pictures from The Auslan Picture Dictionary e-book with their English labels, in ready-made card template.

All you need to do is to download this e-book, print out the sheets, cut and laminate the cards.

 It is an excellent resource for students to memorise Auslan signs by matching them with their pictures.

It is also a great resource for deaf students to help them memorise frequently used English words.


Includes both
North and South Dialect

3. The Auslan Picture Dictionary LABEL THE SIGNS e-book (PDF)
The Auslan Picture Dictionary LABEL THE SIGNS e-book includes
all the signs and pictures from The Auslan Picture Dictionary e-book

There are two worksheet sections:
-  tracing the word under each sign picture (for younger students learning to write)
-  blank lines under each sign picture for labelling (for older students)

The tracing and labelling sheets are suitable for Prep to Grade 6 students who are learning the signs for the first time, and is also a great resource for deaf students who are learning English and need to memorise English words.

Includes both
North and South Dialect

4. The LOTE Auslan Activity Book A e-book (Beginner Level)
The LOTE Auslan Activity Book A e-book is a 244 page PDF and has over 200 pages full of activity sheets ready for teachers to photocopy and distribute to students after they have learnt the signs in the Auslan Picture Dictionary e-book.

The contents, signs and pictures are taken from The Auslan Picture Dictionary e-book, making it easier for the teacher to locate the topics and to follow up activity worksheets.

Suitable for students in Prep, Grade 1 and 2.

There may be some students who are ahead in Auslan and may find this too easy. For these students, teachers can use LOTE Auslan Activity Book B.
Activity sheets include:
Mix and Match, Cut and Paste, Tracing, Labelling, Wordsearch (with clues), Colour In, and Translating.

View sample pages:
Actions Mix n Match
Actions Labelling
Body Fingerspell Sign & Draw (with clue)
Body Cut n Paste (cut out sheet)
Body Cut n Paste (paste on sheet)
Community Fingerspelling
Community Wordsearch (with clue)

Includes both
North and South Dialect

5. LOTE Auslan Activity Book B e-book (Intermediate Level)

The LOTE Auslan Actvity Book B is a jumbo activity book (over 330 pages) and divided in two parts.
It has plenty of Auslan activity sheets to choose from for your classroom.

The contents, signs and pictures in in The LOTE Auslan Activity Book B e-book are taken from The Auslan Picture Dictionary e-book, making it easier for the teacher to locate the topics and to follow up activity worksheets.

Suitable for Grade 3 to 6 students.

Activity sheets include:
Cut and Paste, Labelling, Wordsearch (without clues), Crossword, Decoding Fingerspelling, Translating and Test.

View sample pages:

House Fingerspelling
House Jumbled
School Labelling
School Wordsearch (without clue)
Sports Decoded
Sports Crossword
Weather Test

The Auslan Picture Dictionary Web Pages

As part of the Auslan School Program Packages, the Auslan Picture Dictionary Web Pages is available for the school to keep in their school's website portal for teachers and students to access.

The videos in the Web Pages covers all Auslan signs in the Auslan Picture Dictionary.

Both North Dialect Auslan and South Dialect Auslan are included in the videos.

The use of Webpages is for private access in the school's portal only.
It is not permitted to display the videos on any external platforms, e.g. Zoom, Facebook, Google classroom, etc.
It is not permitted to copy or distribute videos via email, upload, download or any other method.


TERMS OF USE (click here)
The Auslan Picture Dictionary, Label the Signs and Mix n Match
e-books (PDF) and Web Pages is copyright for school use only.
The individual/teacher may print the e-books PDF as many times for classroom use.
It is not permitted to distribute the e-books to other individuals or teachers outside of the school, please direct them to this website for purchase.