Put Auslan web pages and videos directly in your school's website for easy access for all students!


1. Purchase a specific Auslan package (for example: Auslan Picture Dictionary)
2. An email with a link will be sent to you for you to download the Auslan package
3. In the link, there will be two zips
    - one zip will contain worksheet activities e-books (for example: Auslan Picture Dictionary, Mix and Match, and Label the Signs e-books)
    - the second zip will contain web pages including Auslan videos
4. Download the first zip to get the e-books for the Auslan teacher
5. Forward the link to your school's IT (computer technican) and ask them to download the second zip and make a private Auslan section in the school's website and put the Auslan web pages in there
6. Your teachers and students are able to access to Auslan videos in your school's website

There are two costs involved:

1. The purchase of a specific Auslan package (for example: Auslan Picture Dictionary which is $200)
Each Auslan package will include e-books (PDFs) and web pages with Auslan videos.
With the e-books, you can print worksheet activities when you teach as they will help students to remember the Auslan signs that they have learnt.

2. $5 per student yearly

For example:

In 2024
Your school purchases two packages:
A - The Auslan Picture Dictionary Package ($200)
B - Auslan Grammar - Depicting Signs Package ($200)
In 2024, your school has a total of 50 students ($5 per student x 50 = $250)
The first year, the total cost is $650

In 2025
Your school didn't purchase any more packages
You are able to continue to teach using the same packages which you purchased the prior year
In 2025, your school has a total of 73 students ($5 x 73 = $365)
Total cost: $365

* No matter how many packages you purchase, the student price stays the same - $5 per student per year.


- Your school gets to keep Auslan videos in web pages directly in your school's website (enhanced internet safety)

- there is no need to pay for a yearly online school subscription (it will be available in your school's website)

- there is no need to pay for a yearly Web Pages subscription (it will be available in your school's website)

- The Auslan web pages are user-friendly and interactive, you view it like a website page.

- You can access any Auslan packages that your school has purchased for as long as your school is teaching Auslan, your school will only pay $5 per student each year as part of a signed agreement.

- If your school have already purchased any original Auslan Packages or Web Pages, they do not have to purchase the School Package again, but only purchase the $5 per student yearly.
 A new School Package with web pages will be sent to you. Please contact Susan for more details and for an Agreement form.

There are no cons in this - your school's internet safety is our priority.

There are government fundings for schools which your school can apply (if not already) to help with the $5 cost per student per year.

Australian Government - How Schools are Funded

Queensland Government - Funding for Education

Victoria Government - Student Resource Package

Other States and Territories should have this kind of funding available.

If your school is interested in purchasing the Auslan School Program Packages, or have any questions about it, or would like to know more information,
please email Susan at with "Auslan School Program Packages" in the subject heading.
There will be an Agreement form that your Principal will need to sign each year if any of the Auslan School Packages are used. This Agreement form will have details.