1st L (Yr 7 Entry) 7-8

Interact with peers and teachers to exchange information about self, family, friends and interests, describe people and objects and express some feelings and preferences
[Key concepts: interaction, communication, introduction, description; Key processes: socialising, expressing feelings, exchanging greetings, asking/responding to questions] - Elaboration 1

Participate in guided group activities such as signing games and simple tasks using repeated language structures, non-manual features and gestures
[Key concepts: game, learning activity, instruction, role-play, task; Key processes: participating, following instructions, classifying, exchanging, transacting, collaborating] - Elaboration 2

Develop communication and interaction skills such as asking and responding to simple questions and statements and following protocols for participation in Auslan classes and engaging with the Deaf community
[Key concepts: protocol, greeting, signing space, visual applause; Key processes: recognising, following instructions, gaining attention] - Elaboration 3

Locate specific points of information from signed texts about familiar topics and use the information in new ways
[Key concepts: information, topics, directions; Key processes: identifying, responding, following directions] - Elaboration 4

Present factual information about familiar topics using signs that have been modelled
[Key concepts: description, procedure, recount; Key processes: describing, demonstrating, recounting, reporting] - Elaboration 5

Participate in the viewing of recorded or live imaginative signed texts, responding through drawing, miming, gesture or modelled signs
[Key concepts: story, imagination, Deaf art, gesture, mime; Key processes: viewing, drawing, responding, mimicking, shadowing] - Elaboration 6

Express imaginative ideas and visual thinking through the use of mime, gestures, drawing and modelled signs
[Key concepts: story, animation, constructed action; Key processes: re-enacting, depicting, constructing, representing] - Elaboration 7

Translate familiar words and phrases from Auslan to English and vice versa, noticing similarities and differences in meaning
[Key concepts: meaning, interpretation, translation; Key processes: translating, interpreting, identifying, comparing, recognising, paraphrasing, summarising] - Elaboriation 8

Create different types of bilingual texts to support their classroom learning
[Key concepts: bilingual, meaning, translation, equivalent; Key processes: translating, labelling, developing, creating, captioning] - Elaboration 9

Explore the concepts of identity, social groupings, relationships, community and place and space, and deaf people’s visual ways of being and negotiating these networks
[Key concepts: identity, self, relationship, community, Deafhood, visual ways of being, place, space, reciprocity, responsibility; Key processes: identifying, discussing, exchanging] - Elaboration 10

Reflect on ways in which Auslan and associated communicative and cultural behaviours are similar to or different from other language(s) and forms of cultural expression
[Key concepts: intercultural experience, ways of knowing and being; Key processes: comparing, analysing, discussing, reflecting] - Elaboration 11