1st L (F–10) F-2

Informing - Elaboration 5

- describing an object, animal or person using lexical adjectives, for example colours, or SASS depicting signs relating to size and shape

- contributing to a digital class presentation such as a video by signing a description of their own photo or piece of work

- demonstrating a simple procedure using list buoys and related sign vocabulary to demonstrate the different steps

- labelling objects in the classroom and in learning resources such as books and wall charts with pictures of signs

- recounting to the class details of a personal experience such as a holiday or weekend event

- reporting aspects of their daily routines or family life, such as how they travel to school or what they eat for lunch

- categorising and displaying pictures of signs, for example on a handshape wall

- presenting specific information such as a weather report using visual prompts or a digital presentation

- sharing information about their family, home or local community with their classmates, for example, through signed commentary to a display or digital presentation

- reporting key elements obtained from predominantly visual infographics or diagrams related to different learning areas, for example, life cycle charts

- providing information needed to complete an information-gap activity, for example, ‘20 Questions’ with yes/no answers, or ‘Guess Who?’