1st L (F–10) F-2

Socialising - Elaboration 3

- recognising their own and their classmates’ fingerspelled names used in games or routines such as roll call

- asking for help, offering assistance or requesting permission in polite ways, for example:

Can you help me, please?
Can we share these?
(* Auslan video example on this is  in the ACARA website)

- demonstrating attentive watching across a range of school contexts, such as assemblies or classroom discussions

- following instructions for class routines, for example:

PLEASE WITH-2++ DS:sit-opposite
Please find a partner and sit opposite each other.
DS:line-up PLEASE
Line up, please.
Look to the front.
(* Auslan video example on this is  in the ACARA website)

- gaining others’ attention in appropriate ways, relying less on tap and more on other strategies, and responding to others’ attempts to gain their attention

- following protocols such as stopping when lights are flashed, and observing appropriate distance between signers

- learning to be a supportive group discussion member, for example by asking relevant questions, providing feedback, prompting, using NMFs to indicate agreement or disagreement

- formulating different kinds of open and closed questions, including WHEN, WHY and HOW questions

- signing appropriately to maintain or change a topic, to remain on task and take turns

- interacting with each other or the teacher by using eye gaze and other NMFs to indicate agreement/disagreement or understanding/lack of understanding

- negotiating turn-taking, for example:

It’s my turn first, then your turn.
(* Auslan video example on this is  in the ACARA website)

- watching, remembering and responding to increasingly complex instructions of two or more steps, for example by moving or locating objects in the classroom

- using the appropriate NMFs for asking questions and making statements when interacting in small groups