1st L (F–10) 5_6

Informing - Elaboration 5

- providing step-by-step instructions to peers, for example directions to a location or explanations of how to build a model

- creating signed announcements that use persuasive techniques to inform others about upcoming events, for example a Deaf theatre performance or National Week of Deaf People

- reporting in digital form on their experiences of shared events such as school camps or concerts to send as feedback to the organisers

- creating a video report of an event in Deaf history as a contribution to a shared e-book resource

- developing a signed news report or public announcement to inform or alert an imagined audience of a recent or impending natural disaster

- providing instructions for a group activity such as a maths or computer game

- creating a digital clip or social media post that presents information on a selected issue in ways designed to persuade or dissuade the intended audience, for example an anti-smoking post or a clean-up-the-environment appeal

- engaging with deaf visitors from different groups and backgrounds by creating a vlog about the visits and their responses to different identity stories

- explaining a new concept encountered in content areas such as geography or history, such as erosion or revolution

- preparing a short signed presentation for their peers drawing on information obtained from library resources or media texts on topics related to other curriculum areas such as visual arts or history