2nd L (F–10) F-2


Participate in simple interactions with their peers and teachers using high-frequency signs, non-manual features and gestures to talk about self, family and class activities
[Key concepts: self, family, friends, experience, feelings; Key processes: interacting, greeting, asking/answering questions, describing] Elaboration 1

Participate in guided group activities such as signing games and simple tasks using repeated language structures, facial expressions and gestures
[Key concepts: games, space, place, memory; Key processes: playing, singing, following instructions, exchanging, classifying] - Elaboration 2

Develop interaction and communication skills for participation in regular class routines and activities
[Key concepts: fingerspelling, attention, signing space, visual communication; Key processes: interacting, signing, recognising, gaining attention] - Elaboration 3

Identify specific points of information in simple Auslan texts relating to people, places and things and use the information to complete guided tasks
[Key concepts: information, topics; Key processes: identifying, categorising responding, gathering] - Elaboration 4

Present information about self, family, school and significant objects, using modelled signs and formulaic phrases
[Key concepts: self, family, routines; Key processes: presenting, describing, contributing, demonstrating, recounting] - Elaboration 5

Participate in the shared viewing of recorded or live imaginative signed texts, responding through drawing, miming, gesture or familiar signs
[Key concepts: imagination, expression; Key processes: viewing, drawing, re-enacting, mimicking, signing] - Elaboration 6

Express imaginative ideas and visual thinking through the use of familiar signs, mime and gestures, with a focus on emotions, appearance and actions
[Key concepts: imagination, emotion, expression; Key processes: re-enacting, depicting, creating] - Elaboration 7

Translate words used in everyday contexts from Auslan into English and vice versa
[Key concepts: similarity, difference, meaning; Key processes: recognising, comparing, identifying, translating, explaining] - Elaboration 8

Create simple print or digital texts such as labels, posters, wall charts or cards that use Auslan images and English words
[Key concepts: meaning, code, bilingualism; Key processes: labelling, creating] - Elaboration 9

Describe aspects of themselves, such as membership of family and their school/class and languages they use, considering how these different elements contribute to their sense of identity
[Key concepts: identity, similarity, difference, self, family, belonging; Key processes: noticing, identifying, describing, explaining, comparing] - Elaboration 10

Notice what is similar to or different from their own language and culture when interacting with stories, games and different forms of artistic expression in Auslan and from Deaf culture
[Key concepts: language, culture, similarity, difference, respect; Key processes: noticing, comparing, responding] - Elaboration 11