2nd L (F–10) 3-4

 Systems of language - Elaboration 3

- exploring different semantic types of verbs in a text, for example by showing how:

doing (WALK, WRITE) and saying (TELL, CALL-OUT ANNOUNCE?) verbs in narrative texts give information about a characters’ actions
sensing (SEE, THINK) or possessing (BELONG, OWN) verbs indicate what characters think, feel or own
relating verbs identify or describe a noun, for example, HAVE in PRO3 HAVE LONG-HAIR

- understanding how DSs and adverbs can give extra information about an activity

- noticing that some signs modify the meaning of verbs, such as READ CAREFUL and that these are called adverbs

- contributing examples of signs that tell

when a verb happens (IN-2-WEEKS PRO1 HOLIDAY or WANT LUNCH NOW)
where a verb happens (PRO3 RUN FAR or COME HERE)
how a verb happens (FAST or SLOW or PRO2 QUICK FINISH)

- understanding that, in terms of meaning, a basic clause represents: a happening or a state (verb), who or what is involved (noun or nouns) and the surrounding circumstances (adverb or adverbs)

- knowing that signing involves either telling with signs or showing with DSs and periods of CA

(* Auslan video example on this is in the ACARA website)