1st L (F–10) F-2


Communicate with teacher, peers and familiar adults in guided and free interactions that develop social and communicative skills
[Key concepts: self, family, interaction, experience, preference; Key processes: interacting, greeting, asking/answering questions, recounting, describing, comparing] - Elaboration 1

Participate in group learning activities that involve taking turns, playing action games, making choices or swapping and classifying items
[Key concepts: play, action-learning, problem-solving; Key processes: participating, playing, collaborating] - Elaboration 2

Participate in classroom routines and activities such as following directions, attracting attention, responding to questions and turn-taking
[Key concepts: direction, response, support, protocol; Key processes: participating, responding, interacting, turn-taking] - Elaboration 3

Identify specific points of information in simple Auslan texts and use the information to complete guided tasks
[Key concepts: information, family, games, hobbies; Key processes: collecting information, identifying, retelling, categorising, recording] - Elaboration 4

Present information about self, family, people, places and things using signed descriptions and visual prompts
[Key concepts: self, family, routines, home, community; Key processes: providing information, describing, presenting, demonstrating, labelling, reporting] - Elaboration 5

Participate in a range of imaginative experiences and respond through drawing, telling with familiar signs and written words or enacting with constructed action
[Key concepts: imagination, story, character, emotion; Key processes: viewing, retelling, expressing, responding, interpreting] - Elaboration 6

Express imaginative experience through creative games, role-play and mime, using familiar signs, modelled language and constructed action
[Key concepts: imagination, emotion, expression; Key processes: creating, enacting, expressing, experimenting, imagining] - Elaboration 7

Translate familiar words and phrases from Auslan into English and vice versa, using visual cues, signs and English words, noticing how signs and words differ
[Key concepts: similarity, difference, meaning; Key processes: noticing, recognising, identifying, translating, explaining]  - Elaboration 8

Create simple print or digital texts such as labels, posters, wall charts or cards that use both Auslan images and English words
[Key concepts: code, translation; Key processes: labelling, creating, captioning] - Elaboration 9

Explore ideas of identity, social groupings, relationship, space and place, and how these relate to the Deaf community
[Key concepts: identity, self, relationship, community, place, space, connection; Key processes: identifying, exploring, describing, talking about] - Elaboration 10

Notice similarities and differences between Auslan and spoken languages in relation to ways of interacting, sharing stories and playing games
[Key concepts: language, culture, similarity, difference, respect; Key processes: noticing, comparing, responding] - Elaboration 11