1st L (F–10) 9-10

Systems of language
Understand the perceptual and articulatory reasons for the structure of signs, and analyse how iconicity can be used to create metaphors in Auslan and critically evaluate video annotation software as a means of transcribing and analysing Auslan
[Key concepts: iconicity, metaphor, transcription; Key processes: analysing, applying, categorising, demonstrating, describing, evaluating] - Elaboration 1

Analyse signed texts in terms of spatial frames of reference used, and explain how signers show periods of constructed action
[Key concepts: character and observer space, constructed action; Key processes: contrasting, analysing] - Elaboration 2

Understand the difference between main and subordinate clauses and how the inclusion of constructed action and depicting signs has an impact on clause structure
[Key concepts: auxiliary and main verbs, clause types, reference; Key processes: recognising, comparing, identifying] - Elaboration 3

Understand the interrelationship between text types, linguistic features, cohesive devices, audience, context and purpose
[Key concepts: audience, choice, convention, cohesion; Key processes: analysing, identifying, discussing, applying] - Elaboration 4

Language variation and change
Investigate and analyse the nature of and community attitudes to variation in the use of Auslan
[Key concepts: standardisation, contact, evolution, flexibility, variability; Key processes: recognising, investigating, researching, analysing, considering] - Elaboration 5

Language awareness
Investigate and compare the nature and status of Auslan and other signed languages, considering issues such as language and education policies, language rights, representation and processes of language preservation and language building
[Key concepts: policy, rights, representation, status, recognition, documentation; Key processes: describing, researching, comparing, investigating, analysing, evaluating] - Elaboration 6

Role of language and culture
Understand that Auslan and Deaf culture are interrelated, that they shape and are shaped by each other and that their relationship changes over time and across contexts
[Key concepts: knowledge, value, relationship, transmission; Key processes: reflecting, exploring, analysing, comparing] - Elaboration 7