1st L (F–10) 7-8

Systems of language
Investigate and explain why signs are structured as they are, including with respect to iconicity, and compare transcription of Auslan video annotation software with glosses
[Key concepts: levels and types of iconicity, transcription; Key processes: identifying, recognising, glossing, annotating] - Elaboration 1

Distinguish between character and observer space, categorise different verb types and identify constructed action in a text
[Key concepts: fully- or partly-lexical signs, character and observer space, depicting signs; Key processes: recognising, distinguishing, classifying, observing] - Elaboration 2

Understand that utterances in Auslan can consist of a mix of gestural and signed components, and that non-manual features are often used to link clauses into equal or unequal relationships
[Key concepts: clause types, sign order, conjunctions; Key processes: recognising, observing, analysing] - Elaboration 3

Explain the structure and organisation of particular types of texts, such as conversations or information reports, and identify language features used by signers to meet specific purposes and to create cohesion
[Key concepts: grammar, choice, coherence; Key processes: identifying, applying, analysing] - Elaboration 4

Language variation and change
Understand that Auslan has evolved and developed through different periods of influence and cultural and societal change
[Key concepts: change, evolution, contact, technology; Key processes: identifying, recognising, researching] - Elaboration 5

Language awareness
Understand historical and contemporary factors that impact on awareness, support and use of Auslan and its vitality in contemporary Australia, comparing it with that of other signed languages around the world
[Key concepts: influence, transmission, vitality, evolution, endangerment; Key processes: investigating, exploring, describing, comparing, analysing, reflecting] - Elaboration 6

Role of language and culture
Reflect on how language use is influenced by communities’ world views and sense of identity and on how language and culture influence each other
[Key concepts: culture, knowledge, value, transmission; Key processes: explaining, reflecting, exploring, analysing, comparing] - Elaboration 7